Wednesday 29 May 2013

Comprehensive SWOT Analysis for Dove Soap of Unilever

The target market of Dove has already been discussed and explained in detail that they target women and want to beautify them. According to the market, the Niche of Dove has an estimated value of $0.9 billion and the market size of Dove is $2.5 billion. Several campaigns have been used by Dove to market itself which will later be disused is heir marketing communication strategies. Dove has made use of Niche
Marketing strategy to win over the masses.

Strengths: the basic strength of the promotional strategies of Dove and the brand is the unconventional strategies of advertising used by them to let the women know how well the Brand cares for them. Another positivity of the brand was their free publicity and excellent drive for advertisements. They kept giving their campaign a new and a better look and ensured that they kept the hearts and minds of women tied to Dove and hence created a wide range of loyal customers. The soap itself revealed how much possible it really was to have a new look and the addition of personal touch made the brand stronger in its appeal.

Weaknesses: the only weakness of the brand is the target market. It is a bit contradictory in nature because the target market of Dove is upper middle class women and it gives an idea of not letting the ordinary women enjoy the touch of beauty. Another objection that has been seen by the critics was the use of women as objects n their campaign, however, the criticism was over ridded by the personal feel and touch felt by the women.

Opportunity: Recently, Dove has availed the long pending opportunity of tapping into the market developing beauty products for men. They have come up with products for men and have made them realize that beauty is not restricted to women only. Another opportunity is of unified advertising technique used by Dove. They run single ad globally, it serves the diverse purposes and reduces the costs too. Continuous improvement is what Dove has been working on and should carry on with it as well. Threats: being a very huge brand, Dove faces tough competition from Olay, Nivea, and Neutrogena. The brands are getting stronger as they grow and their market is also expanding. Their marketing technique is not as good as that of Dove but they d pose as a threat to the market share of Dove. Another aspect is of being known as the brand for fat girls. The ads do not take models in them, but they take women of all shapes and sizes, so it might give it a slight aspect of a brand that does discrimination. The brand can also be copied by its competitors, just the way P&G did with Olay.


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