Tuesday 11 June 2013

The nature and power of love and fear

Human beings are very complex organisms. The way we express things and in the form they are understood by the other person might vary at different levels. Philosophers on human nature have said that love and fear are the two most pure emotions that are found in the expressional language of human beings. During the course of this discussion we would be looking at the different dynamics and emotional plays of these extremely powerful emotions and the respective powerful position that each of them displays in the shaping of the human personality.Besides these two all other forms of emotions and sentiments belong to the sub-categorical nature. 

Love is an emotion that encompasses a diverse range of emotions such as happiness, joy, peacefulness and forgiveness whereas on the other hand fear comprises of key emotions making the human personality such as hate, depression, guilt, anger and attack. It is also important to understand here that both of these emotions share a highly unparalleled and also an incomparable relationship with each other that is complicated to understand. Even though both of these emotions are difficult to accommodate in the presence of each other, but it is the emotion of fear that surpasses others. It is normally said that the emotion of fear cannot exist in the presence of fear, but I think that the reality and the relationship that they share is a little different

The biggest fear that people who love each other have is the fear of losing one another, they do not want to undergo the experience of the deprivation and despondency that occurs when your loved ones are deprived or refuse to cooperate or converse with you. It is this fear of losing that plays an indirect role in further strengthening and cementing the relationship that exists between two people who claim that they love each other. Every one of them understands that life is highly capricious in nature and therefore they do not want to lose their loved ones without wasting any moment in which they can express their love for them. Therefore in terms of comparison it is the emotion of fear that overrides the sentiment and instinct of love as it is the emotion of fear that in other terms enhances the feeling of love between people.

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