Tuesday 11 June 2013

Important Role of Technology Implementation in Businesses

Technology has assumed a very important role in both the businesses and the lives of people. The emergence of global businesses has been facilitated by the explosive emergence of technology.  The extensive use of technology has made this world a truly global village. Thanks to the experts who have developed technologies that have made easy the flow of goods from one state to another and from one country to another. These technologies are employed by companies like FedEx, DHL, and other courier companies. Apart from these benefits, the implementation of various technologies has significantly improved the daily operations of businesses as it has led to higher productivity of workers.

 The companies have also employed technologies which have helped them improve the workings of organizations. They are better able to monitor the performance of their employees through computers. They have also enabled them to form global virtual teams which consist of people from geographically diverse regions. This global dimension to workplace would not have been possible without the use of technology. Technology has made possible for the students in remote locations to get education through computers (Oak, 2008). It can, therefore, be said that technology is effective to the success of any business.  

It is very critical that technology be implemented in a proper way. If the technology implementation is not planned and executed properly, it may result in organization not achieving the desired results from the technology. Technology implementation is a challenge for every organization. The employees should be adequately trained, monitored and supported if the technology is to be fully integrated into the company (Technology Implementation and Integration).

 Therefore, only specialized personnel should be involved in the selection and the implementation of technology. It should only be introduced when there is a genuine need for it as implementing technology without keeping in mind the needs of the organization would result in a complete failure. Therefore, it is important that the organization should follow a procedure to identify its technology needs, properly plan the acquiring process, implement the technology as efficiently as possible, and evaluate it after the employees have used it.

The first step in the technology implementation is to define a technology-related strategy of the business. This is very important as this strategy would drive all the technology-related endeavors in the organization. It has to be clearly defined as to what are the objective of the company as for as the technology is concerned and how they are aligned with the company-wide strategy. This action will ensure that implementation of the technology is well integrated into the business plan of the organization (Developing an Accessible Technology Plan).

 In the next step, the organization should work on identifying the organizational needs for technology. To accomplish this task, the organization will have to conduct a thorough needs assessment. A team may be formed to conduct the needs assessment. After the identification of the current technological requirements, the present state of the technology has to be evaluated. This will give organization a fair idea of what should be bought and implemented. The organization may then seek to upgrade its systems if the seller company has released any updates for any software sold. The final sub-step in this step is that the organization should set for itself some targets which have to be achieved after the implementation of technology. After the organization has identified as which technological products to buy and which to upgrade, it will develop or purchase the technological products as need be. This is very important step because if the most suitably available technology is not bought or developed, it may result in havoc for the organization.

Therefore, it is highly important that organization assigns this step to someone who is experienced in this particular as this will ensure that the organization gets the best technological products. It is also important, in this step, that organization develops or buys products that can easily be customized by the employees. Once the technology has been purchased or developed, it is time to install the software and/or hardware and provide training to employees to enable them to effectively use the technology. It is usually easier for an expert to install the technological products but the real challenge is to train employees to use those products.
 This might pose many challenges as some organizations have employees who are resistant to change. It is important that organization decides as to which programs to train employees in, who should train the employees, and how they should be trained (Lyons, n.d). The organization may not introduce classroom type training but may opt for training through distribution of booklets and brochures which will help employees in using technologies. A major benefit of such a program would be that it can be self-paced. In the final step, the organization should ensure that the implementation of technology is helping organization in achieving its goals.

Therefore, it is important that organization should have proper procedures in place to evaluate the success of the technology implementation. Managers and HR department should be educated about the technology first. All the new recruits should also go through a training process which will enable them to get most out of the organization’s technological structure. The current employees may be educated through circulation of newsletters, emails and other media. This help the employees internalize the new technological products.

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